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Just Jump Films

I Love Public Schools started as a project to share the good things happening in Nebraska schools and grew into a decade long campaign.


Production | Documentary | Stills |Campaign Oversite

This first of its kind, award-winning documentary storytelling impact campaign was designed to change the persistent negative narrative about Nebraska's public schools. The stories range from :30 TV spots to feature length films covering everything from the arts in schools to the mental health of students. All content is available at along with toolkits to help engage the community. 


Through a three-pronged strategy of relationship building, community rallying, and storytelling the campaign was able to create what impact surveys called "political readiness" among the audiences. Educators felt seen, heard, and appreciated. Much of that goodwill came down to a t-shirt.

Community Rallying

Advertising, Social Media, Online Store, I love Public Schools Annual Holiday and Monthly Celebrations

Relationship Building

Conferences, Film Screenings, On Set, Pop-Up Shops


Over 100 films about why public schools matter.

Select Projects

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